pijol, pergilah...
Posted by Unknown
pijol @ pujey @ firdaus
bahtera bahagiamu bakal berlabuh juga, dan hakir masih sepi di sini,...
Catatan kisah menuju redha Illahi
Posted by Unknown
pijol @ pujey @ firdaus
bahtera bahagiamu bakal berlabuh juga, dan hakir masih sepi di sini,...
Posted by Unknown
koleksi bunga-bunga
Percubaan untuk template baru, setakat ni berjaya...
Esok bertolak ke KL, mungkin dah xsempat bersinggah ke alam maya,..
Posted by Unknown
Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind
Posted by Unknown
Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times
Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind
You gave me hope, you let me dream
Made me believe I can still trust
You raised me up, you gave me wings
Just like a kite in the sky
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times
No words are enough to convey
All the things I want to say
I won't even try ‘Cos I know
Deep down you feel how much I care
Now I hold my head up high
I see my dreams coming true
Peace be with you my dearest friend
In my heart you will remain
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times
Posted by Unknown
Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times
Without your warmth, without your smile
Without you, by my side
The world was so cold, I felt so lost
Without your light, I felt so blind
You gave me hope, you let me dream
Made me believe I can still trust
You raised me up, you gave me wings
Just like a kite in the sky
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times
No words are enough to convey
All the things I want to say
I won't even try ‘Cos I know
Deep down you feel how much I care
Now I hold my head up high
I see my dreams coming true
Peace be with you my dearest friend
In my heart you will remain
A thousand miles I'd run and walk
A thousand times I'd slip and fall
But for you I'd do it again
A thousand times
Posted by Unknown
Bahtera cinta berlabuh dihadapanku,
ramai yang berpusu-pusu pergi,
aku turut ingin naikinya,
ku berlari dan pergi,
namun ku sedari ini bukan bahtera yang kucari,
Posted by Unknown
Syeikul Husein Khalil Saqar Al-'Awawidah
(Pengerusi Robitah Ulama' Palestin),
Sahabatku, syeikhuljihad ini telah hilang daya penglihatannya akibat kekejaman rejim zionis laknatullah, beliau mewaqafkan hidupnya untuk berjihad membebaskan bumi Palestina, membela al-Aqsa dan menghalau yahudi laknatullah. Dipenjarakan rejim yahudi sebanyak 13 kali dan pada tangkapan ke 6, beliau dibutakan dan dicederakan tulang belakangnya hingga mengalami kecederaan yang teruk pada mata dan tulang belakangnya.
Posted by Unknown
Kerja JAKSA yang bertimbun belum disiapkan...
Barang dalam macbook yang bercelaru, berterabur file sana sini.
Tambah dengan dead pixel yang mula menjengah monitor. Alhamdulillah ada monitor extra kat rumah. It easier to have 2 monitors, kerja berjalan sangat pantas dan thinking of buying one, used pun jadi la kut. InsyaAllah.
Posted by Unknown
Makan Ikan Bakaq di Kuala Perlis
Reminder! - never take a picture with your mouth full of food, its just not nice to see...
Bertuah kali ini dapat jumpa balik acap melele yang tidak ku ketemui dah 4 tahun.
"Jepah, peluk la ana, peluk la ana"- acap lele
Posted by Unknown
Maahi requested me to post some of the pictures from our last trip to Perlis, so here are some of them.
Gua Kelam 2 (baru dibuka kepada pengunjung)
Sementara menanti train yang akan bawa masuk ke dalam gua
Posted by Unknown
"Tiga golongan yang pasti akan mendapat pertolongan Allah, iaitu budak muktab yang bermaksud untuk melunasi hutangnya, orang yang menikah untuk menjaga kehormatannya, dan yang berjihad fisabilillah"
(HR at-Tarmidzi, an-Nasai', al-Hakim, Ahmad dan al-Daruqutni)
Posted by Unknown
Mungkinkah kini tidak seperti dahulu lagi?
"Pah, mitok maaf la aku nikoh tok royak ko mum"-Pijul Fauzi
"Nati kawe blanjo eskrem deh malam ni"-Wan Man
"Pah kawin la cepat2, xsabaq ni"-A'aim
"So do not become weak nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers" [3:139]