Posted by Unknown
Catatan kisah menuju redha Illahi
i don't really know sape yang capub or sape yang sunyi. ko atau jatak?
but what i know is both of you got shoulders to rest your heads on.
hurm.. pah, aku yang ambik gmbr nih, nmpk smart mum dlm nih sbb kehenseman jurugambar tuh terbias dlm gmbr nih..hehe
sunyi ke ...ehem2.. ( x sanggup sebut)
'... but that would also put a frown on my face since you've got bigger issues than me.
solve your own problems.'
- usop the realist
hehe,.. i ll wait for the man (jatak) to respond...
usop - aha...that's why I said 'if that would put a smile on your face'. If it won't, then better not make the exchange
angin kuat bertiup~ aku ternampak sesuatu disebalik baju itu..
nmpk mcm..emmm..tajuk yg aku present research tu..ape dah?
oppppss... i shouldnt say this, stupid mouth!!
pah..kenapakah menukar gambar? hurm...
sila berikan asbab yang kukuh..
gambar tersebut ketika angin bertiup,...bahaya
gamba sebelum tu ok pe..yg ni pon ok..huhu
ana segan la nanti org kata pa pulak,..
aah..segan lah.. nanti ana kate ape pulak.. he
"So do not become weak nor be sad, and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers" [3:139]